A unique Directory of Sustainable Products and Services
offered by people who share a common aim: ~

We aim to live more sustainable lifestyles.

What Service, Product or Skill do you need?  

Our Directory currently offers the following Sustainable Lifestyle Solutions:

Solar & Wind Kits

Land + Property for sale

Knit-wear made to order

Health Therapies

Sustainable Life Skills

Weekly Classes

Visit our Eco-Community

Join a Local Economy

Need a solution not listed?

 – please feel free to enquire: we are compiling an Exchange Directory of people, skills and resources
 – we are glad to help you find what you need. Email RainbowTraders

Do you have a skill, service or product for sale, rent or share?  Email RainbowTraders


Our Guidelines in development ~

RAINBOW TRADERS are people committed to the following aims and principles:

  • We seek to lead more natural and sustainable lifestyles,
  • We believe in the spirit of cooperation more than competition,
  • We work with nature as our ally always and not against it,
  • We respect each other for being who truly are, not as seperate individuals but part of One Life,
  • We believe in equality in decision making, of true speaking,
  • We are willing to share our skills and resources trusting that by giving we are also receiving,
  • We seek "ENOUGH" and no more than is needed to live on.
Who We

Rainbow Traders are just people living in Alentejo, Portugal learning to live more sustainably.  
We are a network of co-workers, friends and neighbours.  We offer fairly traded professional services for mutual benefit that can support our sustainable livelihoods and communities.

We offer our services by financial or work exchange or by donation.

 Visit our Eco-neighbourhood    www.rainbowcommunities.org

Rainbow Traders are generally helpful people willing to help each other.  Most of us are, or are aiming to be, part of an ecologically minded or sustainable community.  This implies a more free exchange of information, a greater social cohesion and trust.

Your skills can be put to good use * You choose what you need * You ask if it's not available

In building our community we need: handiworkers, labouring, carpentry, driving, civil liason, weaving, wholefood, solar power, therapies, and a lot more ...  from our local area, or from networking our Needs and Offers.

 In a community skills need to be pooled and shared if it is to grow.  Some trading can be done freely give or by exchange. If you want to 'buy' or 'sell' we have created our own Rainbow Currency.

Trading Rainbows You spend Rainbows with other trading members to buy what you need.
  • €1 = 1Rainbow,
  • When you join you pay €25, and then just €10 each year,
  • You will be able to exchange Rainbows for Euros at the Rainbow Communities Centre or on-line,
  • The Rainbow Exchange accounts are open for any member,
  • Any Rainbow Trader who introduces a customer to any other Trader's Service can earn %income on their purchases.

Rainbows are a local currency.  That means you can trade without finance just with skills that are needed.

People who are doing work for their community often get paid in Rainbows.

Contact the Administrator: solar@rainbowtradingpost.com